In un quadro normativo in rapida evoluzione, gli operatori si interrogano sulle misure da adottare per una gestione ottimale dei rischi connessi alla implementazione di nuovi sistemi di intelligenza artificiale, nel rispetto delle normative vigenti, anche sotto il profilo della protezione dei dati personali.
Con speaker d’eccezione - dal mondo delle Big Tech, delle professioni, dell’università e dei DPO - affronteremo i temi più attuali connessi al governo dell’Intelligenza Artificiale, dalla definizione del quadro regolamentare, alle misure più concrete che è necessario sin d’ora adottare.
Ughi e Nunziante
Senior Regional Counsel
Bicocca Milano University,
Of Counsel
LCA, Studio Legale
Hogan Lovells
AssoDPO e AD di Labor
Project S.r.l.
Te invitamos a un panel online organizado por los Chapter Chairs de PrivacyConnect Madrid, donde destacados expertos en privacidad de datos analizarán los retos más importantes que enfrentaremos en 2025.
Join us for an in-depth webinar with industry experts as we dive into the key privacy challenges and predictions businesses and individuals will face in 2025.
Join us for a discussion on how AI changed in 2024, what's to come in 2025, and practical strategies on handing AI privachy risks and best practices.
Barcelona, Spain
Acompañanos el proximo 28 de noviembre para hablar sobre el Data Act, donde aprovecharemos para despedir el año con otros profesionales del sector.
Join us for a presentation on how AI can enhance cybersecurity by focusing on human error, phishing, and social engineering.
Stockholm, Sweden
Delve into the evolving landscape of AI, data privacy compliance, and digital regulatory frameworks with industry experts.
Bucharest, Romania
Join this exciting edition of PrivacyConnect Bucharest to gain insights, engage in discussions, and prepare for the most topical privacy regimes in 2024 and beyond.
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Join this exclusive event for an analysis on AI governance frameworks and meet with your fellow peers in the Privacy and AI Governance fields.
Join us for an expert webinar as we delve into the latest changes to Israel's Privacy Protection Law.
Este panel reúne a profesionales de la privacidad donde se explorarán las implicaciones de los modelos de pago o aceptación desde diferentes ángulos.
Frankfurt, Germany
Erfahren und diskutieren Sie in unserer Expertenrunde, wie eine verantwortungsvolle Einführung von KI in der Praxis aussieht.
London, United Kingdom
Join this exclusive event at one of London's most unique meeting spaces. We'll discuss how processes and policies can keep pace with the rapid development of AI technologies. This gathering of your peers is intended to enable collaboration, provide the space to share practical tips, and learn how others are preparing to tackle upcoming legislation.
Glasgow, United Kingdom
PrivacyConnect is coming to Glasgow for an exclusive event to enable collaboration, provide the space to share best practices, and learn how others are preparing to tackle upcoming legislation. Hosted at TLT's office, featuring panellist speakers from the ICO and Vodafone, we invite you to join your peers in presentations and open discussions on AI and its impact.
De cara al Data Privacy Day 2024, los Chapter Chairs de PrivacyConnect Barcelona repasarán, junto a otros expertos en protección de datos, los acontecimientos más relevantes del año pasado y las tendencias y desafíos en el año entrante.
Participez à notre table ronde animée par un panel d’experts d’exception, suivie d’un afterwork coktail dinatoire, pour décrypter l'IA Act.
Learn about the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill, a new piece of legislation that will have a significant impact on the way businesses collect and use personal data.
Learn how unifying third-party management can help you reduce privacy risks, simplify compliance record keeping, and enhance business resilience.
Learn how to use business intelligence to map and classify your data, and automate your processes effectively to deal with the increased volume of data requests.
In this webinar, we examine recent EU AI and non-personal data laws, their key provisions, and how organizations should prepare.
The European Commission has issued its draft adequacy decision on the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, learn more about the requirements of the new framework.
El panel será una oportunidad única para conocer de primera mano las opiniones de los expertos en protección de datos y aprender sobre las últimas tendencias en este campo.
Learn how AI training can help organizations understand regulatory measures that embed AI-related ethics, ensuring ethical AI solutions and protecting user privacy.
Join us as we discuss how to close the gap between legal requirements and practical implementation solutions for cyberattack prevention and crisis management.
Join our panel of privacy professionals about conversations around emerging topics such as AI, IoT, and the Metaverse and how privacy professionals can approach what 2023 offers.
Join us to learn how to stay up-to-date on the latest privacy requirements and how to implement them in your organization.
Join your local PrivacyConnect community chapter meeting to learn about the latest dark patterns guidelines and how they impact user experience and privacy.
The webinar will discuss the latest privacy laws and regulations, including CCPA, CPRA, Schrems II, and LGPD.
Schau dir die Top 5 PrivacyConnect Webinare an! In diesen Webinaren erfährst du alles über die DSGVO, Schrems II, und wie Datenschutztechnologie verantwortungsvolle Innovationen ermöglicht.
This session will discuss the challenges of managing global data protection laws together with emergency technology initiatives.
Join our community chapter meeting to learn about the implications of the GDPR and the Whistleblower Directive on the operation of whistleblowing schemes.
Join us to learn from experts on how to deploy AI in a way that complies with privacy regulations and meets business, authority and consumer expectations.
Join us to learn the interplay between crypto and privacy and discuss the main privacy, security, and ethical considerations that professionals must be aware of as Web 3 is built.
This webinar features panels from privacy professionals to discuss how to standardize processes and procedures and build alliances between DPOs and CPOs.
PrivacyConnect Lisbon features panels from local privacy experts who share their insights on complying with the latest regulations and implementing best practices.
PrivacyConnect Warsaw offers free online workshop on the latest privacy regulatory developments, including Schrems II and LGPD.
This workshop will feature a panel of experts who will discuss topics such as the differences and overlaps between third-party risk management and due diligence.
Prepare for the worst and manage personal data breaches with PrivacyConnect's privacy professionals who will discuss the dangers of ransomware and cyberattacks.
Join us for a webinar on the implications of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and how to prepare for the new reporting requirements.
Join PrivacyConnect Bucharest chapter meeting to learn how to ensure that marketing and privacy can coexist in a privacy-conscious world.
Stay up-to-date on GDPR compliance in Greece from PrivacyConnect, where you can learn about the Greek Data Protection Authority, soft law, and case law.
PrivacyConnect Zurich offers free online workshops on the latest privacy regulations with local privacy pros sharing insights on compliance and best practices.
Our panel of global privacy experts will discuss the impact of data breaches, notification requirements, and penalties for businesses that suffer a data breach.
Deltag i OneTrust's lokale PrivacyConnect møde for Danmark og lær, hvordan du håndterer et tilsyn fra Datatilsynet i praksis.
Learn how to handle data subject access requests (DSARs) in accordance with the latest privacy regulations PrivacyConnect Belfast.
Join our workshop to learn from experienced third-party risk management practitioners and get practical advice to mature your third-party risk program.
The workshop features experts discussing topics such as the emergence of new supply chain due diligence regulations and how to mitigate supply chain risk.
This webinar will feature panels from privacy professionals to discuss how to navigate the evolving privacy landscape and demonstrate compliance to customers.
Sluit u aan bij onze Chapter Chairs Bram Hoovers en Marc Elshof voor een discussie waarin zij ingaan op de manier waarop de rechten van betrokkenen operationeel kunnen worden gemaakt en op de impact van de nieuwe EDPB-richtsnoeren.
Lernen Sie alles über das Lieferkettengesetz und Best Practices bei einem kostenlosen Online-Workshop von PrivacyConnect.
Join your local PrivacyConnect community chapter meeting to learn about the latest GDPR enforcement actions by the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (HDPA).
Únete a la reunión del capítulo local de la comunidad de PrivacyConnect, un evento virtual y gratuito dirigido por Roger Vilanova, presidente del capítulo de Barcelona.
Junte-se ao PrivacyConnect Lisboa Chapter Meeting para discutir os mais recentes desenvolvimentos regulatórios de privacidade e como eles afetam você.
Watch PrivacyConnect Manchester webinar on how to get along with InfoSec and maximize the working relationship between data protection and information security professionals.
Join your local PrivacyConnect Brussels chapter meeting to learn how to implement the EDPB guidelines for Transfer Impact Assessments (TIAs).
Stay up-to-date on GDPR compliance in Greece from PrivacyConnect, where you can learn about the Greek Data Protection Authority, soft law, and case law.
This free online event will feature a panel of local privacy professionals who will discuss the approaches of data protection authorities in three Nordic countries.
This webinar from PrivacyConnect Helsinki will feature panels from local privacy professionals who will discuss operational best practices for international data transfers.
Join us to learn from experts on how to achieve compliance with Schrems II and stay ahead of the curve on privacy regulations.
Join PrivacyConnect Cardiff to learn how to prepare for the UK government's reforms and navigate the new international data transfers regime.
Erfahren Sie von lokalen Datenschutzexperten, wie Sie die neuesten Datenschutztechnologien nutzen können, um verantwortungsbewusste Innovationen zu ermöglichen.
This webinar will feature panels from privacy professionals to discuss how to adapt to the changing landscape and stay compliant with the latest regulations.